Internationale Vorträge vom 13. und 14. November:

Gumpinger - From captive breeding to catchment management - the Austrian freshwater pearl mussel project approach

Geist - The freshwater pearl mussel: Threats and conservation

Bergengren - The freshwater pearl mussel in Sweden - methods for monitoring and status assessment

Soederberg - The freshwater pearl mussel in Sweden - status, trends and action plans

Larsen - The freshwater pearl mussel in Norway - status and conservation strategies

Rudzitis - Status of species, population structure and survival capabilities of freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus 1758) in Latvia

Lerchegger - Biological monitoring in combination with water and detritus analysis in potential freshwater pearl mussel habitats in Upper Austria

Scheder - Shortcoming analyses of watercourses and their catchments with regard to their applicability for the re-establishment of freshwater pearl mussel populations in Upper Austria

Altmueller - Reduction of unnaturally high loading of silt and sand in running waters. A successful species protection measure for the freshwater pearl mussel in Lower Saxony, Northwest Germany

Hauer - Sediment management on a river basin scale to preserve and/or restore freshwater pearl mussels habitat

Schmidt - Catchment management of freshwater pearl mussel rivers in Bavaria and Saxonia, Germany: Survey of pressures and mitigation measures

Vandré - Quality of pearl mussel habitats: Critical Examination of Indicators for Siltation and Chemical Conditions in the Sediment

Douda - Evidence based approach to the restoration of Margaritifera margaritifera habitats in the Czech Republic

Luhta - Brook renovation in boreal forest area - new actions and experiences about headwaters and freshwater pearl mussels

Kangas - River restoration, trout and pearl mussel - river Siika-Juujoki case, Lapland

Thielen - Habitat restoration measures for the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in the low mountain range of the Ardennes in Luxembourg

Killeen - Strategic improvement of freshwater pearl mussel environment through catchment management: Part 1 - Assessment of key issues in freshwater pearl mussel populations

Moorkens - Strategic improvement of freshwater pearl mussel environment through catchment management: Part 2 - Conservation and rehabilitation effort as a response to freshwater pearl mussel needs

Terren - Life Project Conservation of habitats of Pearl Mussels in Belgium

Henrikson - The freshwater pearl mussel in Sweden - conservation at catchment level

Dury - Measures for improving habitat for FWPM in the Armorican Massif


Nationale Vorträge vom 15. November:

Guttmann - Zusammenfassung der internationalen Tagung am Mittwoch & Donnerstag

Heinisch - Die Anfänge des Flussperlmuschelschutzes in Oö

Gumpinger - Aktuelles zum Flussperlmuschelprojekt in Oö

Gillinger - Aspekte des Wasserbaus im Lebensraum der Flussperlmuschel

Leitner - Die Wentzel'sche Gutsverwaltung und die Flussperlmuschel

Kastner - Erfahrungen und Rückblick eines Fischwasserbesitzers

Hoelzl - Die Rolle der Gemeinde Weitersfelden im Flussperlmuschelschutz